Should your eyebrows match your hair?

Do you know how to bring an old look to life without making changes on your current hairstyle? If you said "by dyeing the hair a different color", you are correct.
Changing your hair color is one way to renew your overall appearance and give yourself a new look. That been said, changing your hair to a different color isn't that simple either. Of course, if you're just going to wear a wig or extensions to give yourself a new look, it'll be a little less complicated, but it has its little issues either when it comes to eyebrows.
There are a few things to keep in mind when changing your hair to a different color; one of them is to decide what to do with your eyebrows, now of a different color or tone from your new hair.
When should I dye my eyebrows?
When changing your hair color, you may want to consider changing the color of your eyebrows as well. It is not always necessary, as it depends on what style you are looking for and if you like the uneven result between your hair and your eyebrows. But there are two good reasons you may want to change the color of your eyebrows:
When should I not dye my eyebrows?
There is no hard and fast rule about when or when you shouldn't dye your brows. But, as a general guideline, it would be best if you don't dye your brows for temporary hair colors or hair extensions that you plan to replace after just a week or two, sometimes even a month.
Also take it easy before opting to dye, as eyebrow hair grows at different speeds depending on the person. In general, they tend to grow between two weeks and four months. That means if you dye your eyebrows with a hair color that you will only be rocking for, say, two weeks, then there will come a time when your hair will return to its previous color and your eyebrows will remain the same color as you dyed them before.
Alternatives so you don't have to dye your eyebrows
If you want to change the color of your eyebrows, dyeing them is not the only option. In fact, you have a couple of options at your disposal, especially if you only plan to temporarily combine it with your hair extensions.
Eyebrow masks
Eyebrow masks work in the same way as a mascara; simply slide the spool over your brows, "combing" them and giving them a subdued color at the same time.
Some masks are tinted, which gives your brows the color you need to match your hair. Either way, make sure the mask also promotes healthy growth of eyebrow hair.
Coffee grounds and cocoa powder
Once you've decided on the shade you want, add the coffee grounds and cocoa powder to a small bowl. Coffee grounds and cocoa powder are a natural way to tint your eyebrows.
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